Home. Sun Taijiquan. Sun Family. Master Zhang. Wendy Sutcliffe. U K Instructors. Gallery. Training. Links.

Please contact Wendy Sutcliffe, 01964 502705 Or email wendy@lessutcliffe.karoo.co.uk for details

Sun Lu Tang

Sun Jian Yun

Please find listed below instructors teaching the Traditional Sun Style Taijiquan, and who currently train under the direction of  David Martin, and are regulated by the Sun Style Organisation in Beijing, China.

Cheshire: Don Morgan                                                                             Derbyshire: Carl Bateman  

Doncaster: Ken Webster                                                                         East Riding of Yorkshire: Wendy Sutcliffe

Glamorgan: Gloria Lake                                                                         Hertforshire: Christian Birch                                                                  

Hull: Shaun Foulds                                                                                  Hull: Ken Webster

Leicestershire: Su Ying Martin                                                            Pembrokeshire: Sue Murfin Telephone

Staffordshire: Chris Lewis

We are pleased to hear from  interested people who wish to further their Sun Style training, or other experienced taijiquan players with a view to training under the direction of David Martin to become instructors in this traditional style.